Sunday, October 19, 2008

Power Problems?

So Pohono's running late to get home for the start of the game, and lo and behold he gets an email from Hobo that the power at the Ralph went out about 30 min before game time, and has been off and on since then. Pohono finally gets home and tunes into the satellite radio home audio feed, and it's the broadcast team calling the game (well, actually calling the blackout) via cell phone. seems a helium balloon from the parking lot got tangled in the power lines behind the score board, and all went dark. After a 10 min delay, they started play again, with no power, no scoreboard, no game clock, and no connection to the radio station. listening to the game via cell call.

and the ref's just called the bills for a delay of game. are you kidding me? no game clock? you can't be serious...

GO BILLS!!!!!!!!

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