How, friends, do the Buffalo Bills lose against the San Francisco 49ers? How????? First west coast team to come east and win this year. We, my friends, have a LOT of work to do before we are a remotely good team.
Heading to the Patriots game in week 17 seems to have less meaning now than it did 5 weeks ago...
But, as a true fan is always a fan, i still say...
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Where will we draft?
Watching the 49'ers game, and just can't believe how bad we look. Seriously - even if we come out of this game with a win, we will be swept in the division over the next few weeks. This team is playing poorly. And when the most consistent guy on the team (Lindell) has now missed 2 fieldgoals, we can't even get our 3's on the board. Ouch.
No regrets on investing in season tix - we'll renew for next year, especially since Pohono just bought a camper so we can rock the camper lot in style... but i wish my ticket and merchandise money would be put to better use by old ralphie and his minions.
we'll save the anti-ralph and anti-jauron rants for the offseason to keep the blog interesting...
No regrets on investing in season tix - we'll renew for next year, especially since Pohono just bought a camper so we can rock the camper lot in style... but i wish my ticket and merchandise money would be put to better use by old ralphie and his minions.
we'll save the anti-ralph and anti-jauron rants for the offseason to keep the blog interesting...
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Game Day Photos!
While we wait to see what happens in tomorrows game, and if Trent gets his head on straight, thought i'd post a few more pics from the Monday Night game...
For some reason unknown to the rest of us, Hobo decided to pick Shiney up over his head. That, my friends, didn't work... Shiney had to call an injury time out...
Introductions - GO BILLS!!!
Stadium Fireworks - much more impressive on the broadcast with a view from the helicopter!
Opening KickOff - Go BILLS!!!!
A picture is worth a thousand words... i tried to take a pic of this sign, my favorite in the stadium, during the Jets game. Unfortunately, there were six dudes urinating in the sink. Irony, yes, but i don't take pics of dudes urinating!
Post-Game. The snow started in force...

Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Second time, same as the first, a little bit clearer and a little bit worse!
I'm watching the game on the DVR. i gotta say, it's as painful two nights later in high-def as it was in the stands on Monday. Edwards has so much talent, but seeing him scared to throw is ugly... D looks good, though, as does special teams. thats the only way we were still in the game.
D-Biz and i arrived around 2:00am after fighting through some heavy snow on the drive up. our boys Hobo and Shiney had partied all day (random fact - Hobo ended up parking the camper right next to a bunch of guys that included his old college roommate...) and headed to the Big Tree Inn for some warmth. They had just gotten back to the camper when we arrived - hung out for a while, then it was time to crash. Got the "whazzup" from hobo just before he and shiney snuggled up for the night.
See, here's the thing - we had borrowed a pop up camper (i think i might have mentioned in an earlier post that it was friggin cold). thats 4 dudes, 2 beds. at one end of the camper, Pohono and D-Biz zipped up in their bags using a "man card approved" head-to-toe arrangement. at the other end of the camper... well, you get the idea. C'mon, now. HEAD-TO-TOE, BOYS, and NO SNUGGLING!!!!

Morning dawned COLD. and about 3 hours later we got up to start the day... A good cuppa joe gets the day going while we figure out where we're gonna find the heat! (in case you wondered - there was none!) whats a guy to do? (if you've read the blog at all, you know the answer... EAT!)

A few (10) pounds of wings later, the boys were feeling good! toss the football till winded (about 3 minutes), go eat some more. toss the football, cook some brats. toss the football, open up the lime tortillas and salsa. get the picture? you only have 12 hours to tailgate, ya gotta get it all in!

enough for now - more pics (and a video you won't want to miss) later on...

Morning dawned COLD. and about 3 hours later we got up to start the day... A good cuppa joe gets the day going while we figure out where we're gonna find the heat! (in case you wondered - there was none!) whats a guy to do? (if you've read the blog at all, you know the answer... EAT!)

A few (10) pounds of wings later, the boys were feeling good! toss the football till winded (about 3 minutes), go eat some more. toss the football, cook some brats. toss the football, open up the lime tortillas and salsa. get the picture? you only have 12 hours to tailgate, ya gotta get it all in!

enough for now - more pics (and a video you won't want to miss) later on...
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Get Trent a Shrink!!!
Pohono, Hobo and friends are back safely from the Monday Night experience. I know y'all are looking for some pictures, and trust me, there are some on the way. Tonight, though, i just don't have it in me to post them... Natedogg - i know you're reading... good to see ya, hope you made it home safely.
The camper lot was COLD, friends. VERY COLD. it didn't help, of course, that we were staying in a pop-up camper with no power, no heat and really no insulation. there are stories. there are pictures. there are memories. another night...
my only words of wisdom: you CANNOT win in the NFL when your quarterback is scared to throw the ball. done. end of story. if TE can't get over his mental block and start relying on his instinct (which, by the way, is outstanding!), we're going to lose a lot more games this year. that boy needs a shrink!
The camper lot was COLD, friends. VERY COLD. it didn't help, of course, that we were staying in a pop-up camper with no power, no heat and really no insulation. there are stories. there are pictures. there are memories. another night...
my only words of wisdom: you CANNOT win in the NFL when your quarterback is scared to throw the ball. done. end of story. if TE can't get over his mental block and start relying on his instinct (which, by the way, is outstanding!), we're going to lose a lot more games this year. that boy needs a shrink!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Oooooh, so cold!
Status Report II - Hobo just emailed a plea asking "please bring heat of some sort"! looks like Pohono and D-Biz will be paying a visit to the local WalMart before heading to the camper lot!!!
c'mon, it's only 30 mph gusts and raw temp in the low 30's... you can handle it, can't you Hobo???
last post until Pohono arrives at the camper lot!
Go Bills!!!!!
c'mon, it's only 30 mph gusts and raw temp in the low 30's... you can handle it, can't you Hobo???
last post until Pohono arrives at the camper lot!
Go Bills!!!!!
Hobo and Shiney: Status Report
Cold. Windy. And crackin' open the first brews! the pop-up camper is set up, ready to go. Weather forecast: overnight lows 27 degrees, and snow. Welcome to Buffalo!!!!
12 hours and Pohono and D-Biz will be there too!
Go Bills!!!!!!!!!!
12 hours and Pohono and D-Biz will be there too!
Go Bills!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, November 14, 2008
The Rolling Turd
Today we flew back from Arkansas. Pohono's flight left Little Rock at 7am, so it was get up at 3am to drive there from Mountain View. Upon arrival at home, drove the pohono-mobile over and picked up our palatial lodging for the camper lot - a circa 1986 pop up camper being loaned to us by a co-worker. it ain't fancy, but the price is right!
my friends, you will be delighted to see pictures of the luxurious accommodations we're in for. did i mention that it's supposed to snow on Monday night? and to clarify, did i mention its a POP UP CAMPER? yup. bring the long johns.
my friends, you will be delighted to see pictures of the luxurious accommodations we're in for. did i mention that it's supposed to snow on Monday night? and to clarify, did i mention its a POP UP CAMPER? yup. bring the long johns.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
The Poor Mans Chicken Wing
Hobo and Pohono are in training. in just a little over 48 hours, Hobo and Shiney will be on the way to Orchard Park to establish position in the camper lot. by midnight Sunday, Pohono and D-Biz will join 'em there. so we're in the final stages of training for "camper lot weekend II".
here's the thing. Hobo and Pohono are in Arkansas on business (with a coworker who has been very VERY patient with us!). Training for a camper lot weekend typically involves ingesting 2 dozen wings, and washing them down with labatts blue. those items, my friends, are not available in beautiful Stone County Arkansas. See, Stone County is dry, and i'm not sure they know what buffalo wing is. whats a guy to do?
Jo Jo's Catfish Wharf. Thats what a guy's gotta do. instead of all you can eat chicken wings, hobo and pohono rolled with the all you can eat catfish. it was time, bills fans, to man up. the first plate came. 10 fillets for each, with hush puppies, tomato relish, cole slaw, baked beans and a baked potato. Pohono and Hobo were impressed. fast forward a few minutes. empty plates, and truely time to man up. bring us some seconds, fish monger!!!! five more fillets arrived for each of us.
By the time 5 more minutes had elapsed, the men were seperated from the boys. Pohono, i am proud to say, stepped up and had his man card validated. Hobo, i am dissapointed to say, whimpered off to the ladies room and cried himself to sleep. Final tally: Ten fillets and one bite for Hobo. 16 fillets and a bite for Pohono. I'm not proud of how much i ate, my friends. I am, however, proud that i kicked Hobo's fish-eatin' a$$ to the curb...
and in case you were interested - it was Hobo's first time ever to try catfish. i'll give him a little credit for bypassing the "Hungry Fisherman" (11 fillets) and going straight for the All You Can Eat.
Camper Lot Here We Come!!!
Go Bills!!!!!!!!!!!!!
here's the thing. Hobo and Pohono are in Arkansas on business (with a coworker who has been very VERY patient with us!). Training for a camper lot weekend typically involves ingesting 2 dozen wings, and washing them down with labatts blue. those items, my friends, are not available in beautiful Stone County Arkansas. See, Stone County is dry, and i'm not sure they know what buffalo wing is. whats a guy to do?
Jo Jo's Catfish Wharf. Thats what a guy's gotta do. instead of all you can eat chicken wings, hobo and pohono rolled with the all you can eat catfish. it was time, bills fans, to man up. the first plate came. 10 fillets for each, with hush puppies, tomato relish, cole slaw, baked beans and a baked potato. Pohono and Hobo were impressed. fast forward a few minutes. empty plates, and truely time to man up. bring us some seconds, fish monger!!!! five more fillets arrived for each of us.
By the time 5 more minutes had elapsed, the men were seperated from the boys. Pohono, i am proud to say, stepped up and had his man card validated. Hobo, i am dissapointed to say, whimpered off to the ladies room and cried himself to sleep. Final tally: Ten fillets and one bite for Hobo. 16 fillets and a bite for Pohono. I'm not proud of how much i ate, my friends. I am, however, proud that i kicked Hobo's fish-eatin' a$$ to the curb...
and in case you were interested - it was Hobo's first time ever to try catfish. i'll give him a little credit for bypassing the "Hungry Fisherman" (11 fillets) and going straight for the All You Can Eat.
Camper Lot Here We Come!!!
Go Bills!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Move on, Pohono. Move on...
I find myself very blessed by the ability to move on and let go of the frustration and annoyance quickly after a game like this (and the last two...). 30 minutes and, while still dissapointed, i can look back and say "its just a game". went outside with lil' pohono and lil' pohonette, and made a big pile of leaves to jump into. very therapeutic. i recommend it to all of bills nation. even if ya don't have little kids, go make a pile of leaves, jump in it, and keep saying "it's only a game... it's only a game... it's only a game..."
that being said, trent better get his head on straight. marshawn better figure out how to get some yards, and hardy better step up and figure out this game.
that being said, trent better get his head on straight. marshawn better figure out how to get some yards, and hardy better step up and figure out this game.
I am officially sick
I don't have a lot to say - this is absolutely nauseating. so much excitement and anticipation those first 4 games. even losing to Arizona but coming back with a big win the next week was filling us with hope. now we're about to be 0-3 in the division. 1-4 in our last 5 games. Trent looks like JP, but at least JP made the occasional big play happen while he was fumbling and throwing interceptions. Don't get me wrong, i'm still a billiever in Trent, but the doubt is creeping in. we've gone from slam dunk winner in the division to holding up 4th place...
and for the third game in a row, when we are still technically in it, our D gives up dink and dunk 8 minute drives to ice the game.
sorry for my venting. Hobo and i have been emailing our disgust, and i had to get it out here as well...
here's hoping for a miracle in these last 4 minutes. otherwise, lets just focus on the tailgate for Monday Night Football in Orchard Park!!!!
GO BILLS!!!!!!!
and for the third game in a row, when we are still technically in it, our D gives up dink and dunk 8 minute drives to ice the game.
sorry for my venting. Hobo and i have been emailing our disgust, and i had to get it out here as well...
here's hoping for a miracle in these last 4 minutes. otherwise, lets just focus on the tailgate for Monday Night Football in Orchard Park!!!!
GO BILLS!!!!!!!
An uninspiring start...
Pohono is sitting in central PA, listening to the game. After the Patriots march down with ease to score (on a Matt Cassell 11 yard scramble - ????), it's now the Bills ball. 3rd and a very manageable 2 yards. what happens? Our player of the year Jason Peters flinches on a false start, puts us to 3rd and 7. Unacceptable. This guy is killing us. So glad he held out for that new contract...
on the bright side, we did get the first down...
Hobo is flying to Arkansas, hope he gets somewhere he can at least see the end of the game.
on the bright side, we did get the first down...
Hobo is flying to Arkansas, hope he gets somewhere he can at least see the end of the game.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Focus on the Positive!
That's right, Bills Fans. Lets not focus on the negative. Lets ignore the fact that the Bills fell apart again, two weeks in a row against a divisional opponent. Lets ignore the fact that, despite holding a hall of fame QB named Brett to a mediocre game, we still gave up way too much ground and could not hold them on a must-stop drive. Lets ignore the fact that we've dropped 3 of the last 4 games. Instead, my friends, lets focus on the positive:
The Buffalo Bills fans throw the best damn tailgates in the National Football League!!!!!!!!!!!
RedGap and Pohono hanging in Lot 1 - first game in Buffalo in a long time for RedGap. If you want to know why he's called RedGap, don't ask.
Sitting in the lot, tending to our tailgate, and these girls come walking by. For some reason, they decided to look at me (wearing my hat, thank you) and ask if I was bald... WTF? apparently their guy friends were sending them on a scavenger hunt, and we were happy to help fill the bill of "get a picture with a bald guy". We gave them two for the price of one... Don't ask what the deal is with the cowboy. i don't know...
Two dudes consuming somewhere between 4,000 and 5,000 calories of junk food at the Ralph. So, of course, ya gotta drink light beer. Go Blue!
Ketchup... Mustard... Ketchup... Mustard... The legend of Pinto Ron.
The weekly pose with the legend. Dude has to smell for the rest of the week after that gets in his beard.
RedGap's first exposure to Pinto Ron. Not impressed.
The Buffalo Bills fans throw the best damn tailgates in the National Football League!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, November 2, 2008
Lot One, my friends
Pohono and Redgap, just put the hot italian sausage on the grill in lot one. Lot is full, dudes playing cornhole on one side of us, people drinking a keg of microbrew on the other side of us. Who could ask for anything more on a fall day?
Go Bills!!!!
Go Bills!!!!
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