Sunday, November 30, 2008

Where will we draft?

Watching the 49'ers game, and just can't believe how bad we look. Seriously - even if we come out of this game with a win, we will be swept in the division over the next few weeks. This team is playing poorly. And when the most consistent guy on the team (Lindell) has now missed 2 fieldgoals, we can't even get our 3's on the board. Ouch.

No regrets on investing in season tix - we'll renew for next year, especially since Pohono just bought a camper so we can rock the camper lot in style... but i wish my ticket and merchandise money would be put to better use by old ralphie and his minions.

we'll save the anti-ralph and anti-jauron rants for the offseason to keep the blog interesting...

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