Saturday, December 13, 2008

Planning for 2009 - why not...

Bills Fans, here's what it will take for the Bills to make the playoffs this year.

If the Bills win out and finish 9-7, the Patriots lose out and finish 8-8, and the Dolphins and Jets each lose their next two games and tie against each other in Week 17 to each finish 8-7-1, Buffalo (9-7) wins the AFC East and qualifies for the postseason.

thats right, the Phins and Jets need to play to a tie in week 17. Who is feeling confident about this scenario happening??? That, friends, is why Pohono and Hobo have already started discussion on next years plans.

Fact: Even with the terrible leadership of the team, Hobo and Pohono are renewing. We love us some tailgaiting!

Fact: Suhoski is all on board with joining us in the season experience in 2009.

Fact: Pohono and family bought a camper, and we'll see y'all opening day in the camper lot.


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