Sunday, December 7, 2008

We're sucking, eh?

It seems that the Toronto Bills are no better than our beloved Buffalo Bills. From what i've heard on the local Buffalo radio broadcast, this is shaping up to be an ugly game. Moorman will have a career day with his punts deep in our own territory, but other than that it's not looking to be a good day, bills fans.

So lets focus on the positive. While we want a win, and cheer for a win, maybe if we stink the place up Ralph will get fed up and (a) fire Jauron, and spend some money on a proven coach, or (b) get REALLY fed up, call Jim Kelly, and sell the damn team. then, as would only be logical, Kelly would fire Jauron, and our dream of (a) would come true as well.

c'mon. this team went 5-1, and in the ensuing 6 1/2 games has been out played, out prepared, and out coached. i'm done.

(that being said, pohono and hobo will most certainly be renewing our season tickets, not for the team, but because we just friggin' love to tailgate).

i'm hungry for catfish.


Anonymous said...


we have the talent on both sides of the ball, a good coach will have an easy job turning this team into winners.

VaBeachRep said...


Oh wait, that was Detroit's anthem...